New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
Washington D.C.
Washington State

144 продукты

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
Washington D.C.
Washington State

Что включает в себя нанопленка?

  • При заказе одной нанопленки вы получаете наклейку с одной цифрой. Вы можете добавить необходимые символы в корзину на сайте.

Что произойдет, если поцарапать нанопленку?

  • Повредить наклейку Ecoslick® довольно сложно, поскольку она прикреплена очень прочно, образуя почти неразрывную связь с номерным знаком. Даже если на ней появятся царапины, камере контроля скорости будет очень сложно определить, какой символ покрыт.

Что происходит с нанопленкой после мытья?

  • Нанопленка Ecoslick не боится мойки, любой автомойки. Пленку практически невозможно оторвать напором воды. Поэтому будьте предельно аккуратны и точны при поклейке.

Нужно ли клеить пленку на задний номерной знак автомобиля?

  • В зависимости от местности камеры контроля скорости могут располагаться в двух направлениях и фиксировать ваш автомобиль с обеих сторон. Мы рекомендуем наклеить пленку с обеих сторон.

Как устанавливается нанопленка Ecoslick®?

  • Наклеивать стикер нужно очень аккуратно, так как изменить положение наклеенной пленки будет невозможно - она плотно прилегает к поверхности номера. Наглядные инструкции вы можете посмотреть на нашей странице.

Сколько символов лучше всего покрыть пленкой?

  • Чем больше символов скрыто под нанопленкой, тем меньше возможностей расшифровать номер по записи камеры. Рекомендуется покрывать символами все передние и задние номерные знаки.

Как долго прослужит нанопленка?

  • Пленка Ecoslick® рассчитана на многолетнюю эксплуатацию, так как создана из прочных, износостойких материалов, рассчитанных на сложные погодные условия, перепады температур и различную степень механического воздействия. Гарантийный срок составляет 5 лет.

В чем разница между инфракрасной и накамерной вспышкой?

  • Инфракрасный свет - это сфокусированные лучи, невидимые человеческому глазу и отличающиеся от яркой вспышки камеры. Именно в инфракрасном спектре работают автоматические камеры контроля скорости. Именно против этого спектра действует пленка Ecoslick®.

Что видит камера при использовании нанопленки?

  • Камера видит только освещенную область, где символы спрятаны под наклейками Ecoslick®, которая сливается с белым фоном. Соответственно, цифровая система не распознает номер и не заносит его в базу данных нарушений ПДД. Штраф выписывать некому!

Работает ли нанопленка в течение дня?

  • Инфракрасные лучи камер слежения работают как днем, так и ночью.

Почему я должен купить ваш продукт?

  • Наша нанопленка Ecoslick® производится в Германии и поэтому является надежной и эффективной. Все номера и символы соответствуют национальным стандартам каждой страны. На рынке можно найти предложения с подозрительно низкой ценой - соответственно, такая пленка не защитит вас от глаз гаишника или просто не подойдет по размеру к вашему номерному знаку.

Коллекция: New York Nanofilm

Ecoslick nanoplate is a modern and effective solution for protecting your license plates from being detected by traffic cameras and radar. In conditions of constant tightening of traffic rules and increasing number of cameras on the roads, car owners have to look for ways to avoid unpleasant fines for speeding and other violations. In such cases, the invisible license plate from Alite made of Ecoslick material comes to the rescue - an innovative product that provides drivers with reliable and invisible protection.

What is Nanofilm and how does it work?

The Anti radar sticker from Ecoslick is an ultra-thin film that is applied to the surface of your car's license plate. Due to the special structure of the invisible license plate, the film is able to distort the image of the license plate when it is taken at certain angles. This means that the cameras installed on the roads to fix violations will not be able to clearly record the license plate, and a fine for speeding or running a red light will not be sent to your address.

Features of Ecoslick

Ecoslick is the result of many years of research and development in the field of nanotechnology. The main advantages lie in its unique properties, which allow you to combine reliable protection with minimal impact on the appearance of your vehicle:

  • Ultra-thin structure: The film is virtually invisible on the license plate, allowing it to retain its original appearance. No unnecessary glare or visible distortion - Ecoslick does its job while remaining invisible to others.
  • High Durability: It has increased resistance to mechanical damage such as scratches and scuffs, as well as to external factors including UV radiation, rain, snow and temperature extremes. This means your nano-film will last long and perform well, even in the harshest environments.
  • Ease of use: Applying Antiradar autovelox stickers to your license plate is a quick and easy process that requires no special skills or tools. You can apply the film yourself by following the instructions and be confident in the result.

Types of Nanofilm New York

Invisible license plate 1986

This film is designed specifically for license plates issued in 1986. During this period, New York State used a classic design with red letters and numbers on a white background, with “The Empire State” at the top.

Nanofilm ecoslick license plate 2001-2010

This film is designed for license plates issued between 2001 and 2010, when New York City license plates used a design featuring the Statue of Liberty and a color scheme with dark blue and white elements. 

Anti radar sticker 2010-2020

This version of Nanofilm is designed for license plates issued between 2010 and 2020. During this period, New York State used a license plate design with a bright yellow base and dark blue text to symbolize the state's traditional colors. 

Antiradar autovelox stickers 2020-2023

For license plates issued in 2020-2023, a special film has been developed to accommodate the new design introduced in this period. These license plates have a more modern style with an emphasis on contrasting colors and simplified graphics. 

Benefits of Nanofilm New York

  • Effective protection against fines: The most important advantage of Antiradar stickers is its ability to prevent license plates from being fixed by cameras. This helps you avoid unexpected fines for speeding violations, running a traffic light and other violations that are detected by automatic control systems.
  • Imperceptible: Number plate film practically does not change the appearance of the license plate. Thanks to its ultra-thin and transparent structure, the film does not attract attention and remains invisible to prying eyes. This is especially important for those who appreciate aesthetics and do not want to disturb the appearance of their car.
  • Durability: Alite nanofilm is highly resistant to external influences. It does not yellow over time, does not peel off and retains its protective properties over a long period of time. This makes Nanofilm a cost-effective investment in the safety of your vehicle.
  • Eco-friendly: Nanofilm Ecoslick License Plate is manufactured using state-of-the-art technology that meets high standards of environmental safety. This means that you are not harming the environment when you use the film.

Why buy from Alite?

Alite cc is not just an online store, it is your reliable partner in car protection and care. Buying from us, you get the following advantages:

  • Quality and reliability: All products presented in our store are subject to strict quality control. We cooperate only with proven manufacturers, whose products meet high standards and have the necessary certificates.
  • Wide range: In our store you will find not only Nanofilm for license plate, but also other products to protect and improve your vehicle. We are constantly updating our assortment by adding new and unique products.
  • Affordable prices: We offer competitive prices on all products, which makes shopping with us not only convenient, but also profitable. In addition, we have regular promotions and discounts that allow you to save even more.
  • Excellent service: Our team is always ready to help you with your choice and answer all your questions. We value every customer and strive to make your shopping experience as pleasant and convenient as possible.
  • Fast delivery: We provide prompt delivery of orders nationwide. You can choose a convenient delivery method and receive your item as soon as possible.

Protect your car and your finances with innovative solutions from Alite. Nano Film New York from Ecoslick material is your reliable ally in the fight against traffic cameras and radar. Order now Nanofilm Ecoslick and enjoy a safe and comfortable driving experience knowing that your car is protected.

Alite offers you only the best for your vehicle. Don't miss the opportunity to ensure your peace of mind on the road and save on fines!

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